Rooms FAQ and Help

Here are a few things to know about ROOMS (Our Parent/Teacher communication app within our Hedley ISD app).
Parents need to download the Hedley ISD app - (Download through the App Store or Google Play)
Wait for the invite from EduRooms that goes to their personal email address (that was given to your registrar). Register through this email.
Go under the settings on your phone and allow notifications for the Hedley ISD app.
Open the Hedley app, click on ROOMS in the bottom right hand corner. Login with your personal email address. (This will not work until you have activated your account, see step 2)
Allow time for the schedules to migrate to the app, allowing you to see your students' classes and hence allowing Rooms to work where you can message their teacher and see posts and announcements.
Once you see your student’s schedule, click on the gear icon and allow notifications from within the Hedley ISD app for that particular campus.
Now you should be able to see notifications when they come through!